Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp <div class="well"> <p style="text-align: center;"><img style="padding: 10px 15px; float: left;" src="/public/site/images/redaksi/cover_april_2019.jpg" height="200"></p> <p align="justify">Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik), with registered ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1547526627" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2301-4342 </a>(print) and <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1547526627" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2657-0092</a> (online). JAKP is a scientific journal published by the Public Administration Laboratory of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Andalas University in collaboration with <a href="http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/mou"><em>Indonesian Association For Public Administration</em></a>&nbsp;(<a href="https://iapa.or.id/">IAPA)</a> The journal covers a lot of issues or problems related to the science of public administration. The purpose of this journal publication is to spread conceptual ideas and results of research that have been achieved in the fields of administration and public policy management.</p> <p align="justify">JAKP focuses on the main problems in the development of public administration science and public policy, which includes administrative development, regional policy, autonomy and bureaucracy, state apparatus, decentralization, economic and scientific development, public management, public decision-making processes and techniques, and every social science which includes the development of science in education, public health, fiscal politics, and regional planning. JAKP was first published in print in October 2011, currently also published in the online edition.&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify">In its publication year, JAKP is going to publish the journal twice a year in two periods: April and October. Please submit your best manuscript to us. <a href="https://bit.ly/TJAKP" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Templates and writing guidelines can be downloaded on this page.</a></p> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <p><a href="http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/copyright" rel="noopener"><button class="btn btn-success btn-md btn-block" type="button">Copyright and License</button></a></p> jakpfisipunand@soc.unand.ac.id (Administrasi Publik) jakpfisipunand@gmail.com (Rozidateno Putri Hanida) Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Perizinan Berusaha Berbasis Risiko melalui Sistem Online Single Submission (OSS) dalam Penerbitan Standar Pemenuhan Komitmen Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (SPP-IRT) Pangan http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/500 <p><em>The Online Single Submission Risk Based approach (OSS RBA) system in the issuance of Standards for Fulfillment of Home Industry Food Production Commitments (SPP-IRT), provides ease of business licensing and shows positive growth in the Home Food Industry (IRTP). In its implementation, the dynamics of implementing OSS policies related to Food SPP-IRT have a real impact on the home industry and food safety. OS RBA is a digital public service that prioritizes the use of digital technology and digital platforms to transform public services so as to improve government services with the aim of increasing efficiency, accessibility, and responsiveness, increasing involvement and satisfaction of the public as customers. The suitability of policy implementation and policy design is one of the processes in measuring a policy. So an analysis of the implementation of the RBA OSS policy needs to be carried out. This research uses a descriptive research method using a qualitative approach with literature studies to analyze factors influencing the implementation of risk-based business licensing policies through the online single submission (OSS) system in the issuance of standards for fulfilling food production commitments for home industries (SPP-IRT). The research results show that the implementation of the OSS RBA policy regarding SPP-IRT Food is a complex process that is influenced by various factors. The level of compliance with the RBA OSS regulations helps measure the level of success of this policy in supporting the growth of the home industry and improving food safety. To improve the implementation of RBA OSS policies related to Food SPP-IRT, there needs to be close coordination between all stakeholders, clear and understandable regulations, and the ability to respond to changes in the business environment and food production technology.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: policy implementation, OSSRBA, Food, SPPIRT</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Sistem Online Single Submission Risk Based Approached (OSS RBA) dalam penerbitan Standar Pemenuhan Komitmen Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (SPP-IRT) Pangan, memberikan kemudahan perizinan berusaha serta menunjukkan pertumbuhan Industri Rumah Tangga Pangan (IRTP) yang positif. Dalam implementasinya dinamika pelaksanaan kebijakan OSS terkait SPP-IRT Pangan memberikan dampak nyata pada industri rumah tangga serta keamanan pangan. OS RBA merupaka layanan publik digital yang mengutamakan penggunaan teknologi digital dan platform digital mentransformasi layanan publik sehingga meningkatkan layanan pemerintah dengan tujuan meningkatkan efisiensi, aksesibilitas dan responsivitas, meningkatkan keterlibatan dan kepuasan masyarakat sebagai pelanggan. Kesesuaian implementasi kebijakan dan desain kebijakan merupakan salah satu proses dalam pengukuran sebuah kebijakan. Sehingga analisis terhadap imlementas kebijakan OSS RBA ini peru dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi literatur untuk Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Perizinan Berusaha Berbasis Risiko melalui Sistem Online Single Submission (OSS) dalam Penerbitan Standar Pemenuhan Komitmen Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (SPP-IRT) Pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi kebijakan OSS RBA terkait SPP-IRT Pangan adalah proses yang kompleks yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Tingkat kepatuhan terhadap regulasi OSS RBA membantu mengukur tingkat keberhasilan kebijakan ini dalam mendukung pertumbuhan industri rumah tangga dan meningkatkan keamanan pangan. untuk meningkatkan pelaksanaan kebijakan OSS RBA terkait SPP-IRT Pangan, perlu adanya koordinasi yang erat antara semua pemangku kepentingan, regulasi yang jelas dan dapat dimengerti, serta kemampuan untuk merespons perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan teknologi produksi pangan.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: implementasi kebijakan OSSRBA, Pangan, SPPIRT </em></p> Wulan Puspita Puri, Muh Azis Muslim ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/500 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Efektivitas Relokasi Perdagang Kaki Lima (PKL) Di Pasar Sentral Palakka Kabupaten Bone http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/483 <p><em>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menegtahui efektifitas kebijakan relokasi pedagang kaki lima&nbsp; dan faktor apa yang menghambat untuk mendukung relokasi pedagang kaki lima di pasar sentral Palakka Kabupaten Bone. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Prosedur penelitian kualitatif menghasilkan data-data yang bersumber dari portal berita online lokal, yang terpercaya dan kredibel seperti Bone.go.id, Detikk.Com, dan artikel jurnal yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa evektifitas relokasi perdagangan yang dilakukan oleh aparat pemerintah Kabupaten Bone yang bekerja sama dengan satpol PP, Dinas Perhubungan, dan Dinas Perdagangan yang memiliki tujuan untuk melakukan relokasi pedagang kaki lima di Kelurahan Pasar Sentral Palakka Kabupaten Bone. Relokasi yang dilakukan oleh aparat pemerintah kabupaten Bone kepada para pelaku&nbsp; pedagang kaki lima Kelurahan Lappa Kabupaten Bone bisa dibilang sudah cukup efektif karena tujuan kebijakan sudah tercapai meskipun belum sepenuhnya terwujud seperti beberapa kawasan di Pasar Sentral Palakka Kabupaten Bone sudah ada yang bebas dari pedagang kaki lima seperi di Kawasan Terminal</em></p> Dandi Dandi, Mursak Mursak, Kiki Rasmala Sani ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/483 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Pariwisata Pasca Pandemic di Indonesia http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/455 <p><em>The Covid-19 outbreak emerged in early 2020, crippling global economic activities, including the tourism sector in Indonesia. The decline in the number of tourists visiting Indonesia had a significant impact on the country's economy. It is a significant responsibility for the government to formulate policies for the post-pandemic development of tourism in Indonesia. One of the policies for the development of the tourism sector is the concept of the "new normal." This policy must be effectively implemented to revive tourism in Indonesia.</em></p> <p><em>The method used in writing this article employs a literature review study method. This method involves reviewing research from Google Scholar's database and relevant articles related to the discussed topic, which are then processed using appropriate tools.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the literature review study, the implementation of post-pandemic tourism development policies in Indonesia involves three elements: sustenance, self-esteem, and freedom from servitude. These elements are realized when the health protocol requirements in the new normal setting are adhered to. These three elements are significant considerations for the government when deciding whether to reopen or postpone operations in the tourism sector due to their profound social, economic, and environmental impacts. Other government strategies or efforts in implementing tourism development policies in the era of the new normal include promoting local tourism, emphasizing voluntarism and solidarity, and making policies based on sustainable development</em></p> Ihin Solihin, Jumanah Jumanah, Arif Nugroho, Yuni Dwi Cahyani, Ikhda Ratri Auladatisyifa, Riyan Herdiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/455 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 03:20:05 +0000 Penerapan Kolaboratif E-Government Pada Pelayanan Kepegawaian Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/481 <p><em>Collaborative E-Government not only changes the way government organizations carry out their duties but also changes the way the government interacts with its citizens in public services. This research aims to analyze and obtain a model regarding the implementation of collaborative E-Government at the Regional Civil Service Agency of West Sumatra Province in providing personnel services as proof that this collaborative E-Government is a solution to the never-improving quality of public services. This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation, where the informants in this research were selected purposively. The research results show that there is a dominance of fulfilling elements in the implementation of collaborative E-government, which has implications for improving personnel services in Regional Government. The only obstacles to collaboration are the network structure, governance, and access to resource elements. Thus, collaboration between actors in personnel services has become a solution to poor personnel service practices in local governments and has contributed to the development of literature on personnel service practice issues.</em></p> Debby Putri Pratama, Roni Ekha Putera, Hendri Koeswara ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/481 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Kebijakan Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Perancangan Undang-Undang (SIMAS PUU) http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/496 <p><em>The application of the e-government system is carried out to facilitate and speed up services to the community. This research focuses on answering the implementation of the regulations of the Head of the DPR RI Expertise Agency regarding the management of public participation in drafting laws that have not run optimally. A descriptive qualitative approach is used in research that takes place at the Center for Drafting of Laws, the Expertise Body of the DPR RI. Van Meter and Van Horn's theory focuses on policy standards and objectives, resources, communication between implementing agencies, implementing organizational characteristics, implementing attitudes, and the social, economic, and political environment that can be linked to the external environment. The results of this study are that all aspects of the policy implementation model from Van Meter and Van Horn have not been achieved as a measure of the success of implementing the SIMAS PUU application due to minimal human resources, financial support, and enthusiasm from the external environment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of the SIMAS PUU application has not run optimally.</em></p> Puteri Shabrina Adani, Asropi Asropi, Arifiani Widjayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/496 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 03:45:20 +0000 Peran Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Bali Dalam Pengawasan Pelayanan Publik Di Dinas PUPR Kota Denpasar http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/499 <p><em>Public services in Indonesia are often in the spotlight in society, especially in maladministration actions carried out by public service providers. Such as an increase in reports of alleged maladministration received by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia in Bali Province. Where in this report the agency that received the highest report was the Department Public Works Service in Denpasar City. With reports of alleged maladministration from the public, it is felt that there is a need for a role from an institution authorized to supervise public services, such as the Ombudsman Institute of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis regarding the role of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of the Province of Bali in supervising public services at the Department Public Works Service in Denpasar City. This study uses a post-positivism approach with descriptive qualitative analysis. The results obtained are the role of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative for the Province of Bali which is divided into 2 dimensions, namely prevention of maladministration with the sub-dimensional assessment of compliance with public service standards and community participation as well as the report completion dimension with the report completion procedure sub- dimension and the number of completed reports. The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia for the Province of Bali succeeded in carrying out all of these dimensions in the supervision carried out by the Public Works and Public Housing Office of the City of Denpasar</em></p> Selfi Budi Helpiastuti, Agus Suharsono, Luh Gede Dewi Sari Astiti ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/499 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:01:06 +0000 Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Pada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/501 <p><em>This study, which aims to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination policy at the Mentawai Islands District Health Office, is motivated by the unequal implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination policy for the community, especially at the Mentawai Islands District Health Office. This type of research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression method. Data collection techniques with questionnaires. The respondents of this study were 95 employees at the Mentawai Islands District Health Office. The sampling method used the total sampling method where the entire population in this study was used as the research sample. Hypothesis testing is calculated with the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0 program. The results of this study it was found that partially and simultaneously communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure had a positive and significant effect on the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination policy at the Mentawai Islands District Health Office.</em></p> Arifman Zebua, Roni Ekha Putera, Karnedi Karnedi ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/501 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:12:11 +0000 Leadership Character of the Director General of Immigration: a Hope http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/509 <p><em>The open selection for the position of Director General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has become a historic moment with the opportunity for non-civil servants to be involved as candidates. This phenomenon illustrates that the public has high hopes for the Director General of Immigration who will be elected. The hope is that Indonesian Immigration will be more advanced and ready to face challenges.</em> <em>This is descriptive research using a literature study that uses various data and information related to Immigration issues, the selection of the Director General of Immigration and the challenges of Immigration in the future. The Director General of Immigration must be able to be an example (example), have sufficient experience (experience), educated (education), understand the environment and organizational values (environment) and be able to evaluate the program well (evaluation). Therefore, it is important to remind that the Director General of Immigration must understand the work culture of the organization, the ability to change for the better, the ability to make effective decisions, the ability to lead and communicate, the drive to be able to collaborate with strategic partners, equal opportunities in order to develop capacity, be able to achieve performance targets, maximize assets and potential, manage the quality of public services that are getting better and the ability to bring this organization to a better direction.</em></p> Junaidul Fitriyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/509 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:19:03 +0000 Pengelompokan Satuan Kerja Berdasarkan Performa Delapan Indikator Pelaksanaan Kinerja Anggaran Reformulasi Tahun 2022 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/502 <p><em>Saat ini, urgensi penilaian kinerja anggaran birokrasi semakin meningkat seiring dengan kebutuhan pengukuran kinerja sektor publik dalam manajemen kinerja sektor publik. Salah satunya adalah pengukuran kinerja</em><em> pelaksanaan anggaran</em><em> satuan kerja yang kemudian dinilai berdasarkan Indikator Kinerja Pelaksanaan Anggaran (IKPA). IKPA telah dirancang sebagai suatu mekanisme penilaian yang pada akhirnya </em><em>memberikan stimulus positif bagi birokrasi untuk dapat lebih efektif, efisien, dan ekonomis</em> <em>dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan anggaran satuan kerja sesuai prinsip Value for Money. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beda rata-rata nilai akhir IKPA satuan kerja di lingkup KPPN Blitar di Tahun 2022 dan Agustus 2023, sehingga perlu analisa lebih lanjut untuk mengelompokkan satuan kerja menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means berdasarkan nilai capaian delapan indikator IKPA formulasi Tahun Anggaran 2022. Dari hasil clustering diperoleh 2 (dua) klaster optimal dengan banyak anggota 41 satuan kerja di klaster pertama dan 44 satuan kerja di klaster kedua. Pengelompokan menunjukkan bahwa pada klaster pertama diperlukan dorongan dalam pencapaian kinerja indikator Deviasi Halaman III DIPA dan indikator Penyerapan Anggaran dan pada klaster kedua diperlukan dorongan untuk pencapaian indikator Data Kontrak dan Penyelesaian Tagihan. Hasil pengelompokan diharapkan dapat dijadikan dasar pengambilan kebijakan dalam manajemen dan pengukuran kinerja anggaran, khususnya untuk memenuhi ekspektasi penegasan arah kebijakan IKPA 2023.</em></p> Imam Hanafi, Sartika Ayu Wulandari ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/502 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:27:42 +0000 Implementasi Desentralisasi Fiskal dalam Kebijakan Transfer Dana ke Daerah Pada Realisasi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Tahun 2021 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/407 <p>Fiscal decentralization has been officially implemented in Indonesia since the beginning of the reform, to be precise since January 2001, and implemented to create regional self-reliance. With the regional autonomy policy and fiscal decentralization, every region in Indonesia receives a large delegation of authority. In 2020, the Covid-19 Pandemic rocked the Indonesian economy. Economic growth continued to decline and had a negative impact on the people's economy, in addition to influencing the Transfer to Regions and Village Fund (TKDD) policies. Regional Governments are given the authority to prioritize the use of budget allocations for specific programs (refocusing), change allocations, and use the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). Merilee S. Grindle's theory of implementation is the rationale for this research, focusing on aspects of the desired degree of change, location of decision-making, program implementation, and level of compliance and responsiveness. Regarding the desired degree of change, regional governments must reallocate budgets and refocus programs according to the central government's regulations. Aspects of program implementation, budget reallocation, and refocusing programs in several regions were successfully carried out. Aspects of the location of decision-making appropriate policies by prioritizing the health, social, economic, and regional financial sectors. While the aspects of compliance and responsiveness show that the policy has yet to be realized optimally, several problems were found in its implementation.</p> Diah Riski Hardiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 http://jakp.fisip.unand.ac.id/index.php/jakp/article/view/407 Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:35:20 +0000